Monday, November 28, 2011

Business service offerings and liquidity

Business service offerings and liquidity

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"Being all things to all people" sounds good, but in most cases it reduces the liquidity of a business.  Business liquidity encompasses the number of prospective buyers, the business valuation, and the amount of time required to market the then close the deal.

finance, mergers, acquisitions, valuations, company valuations, Internet

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"Being all things to all people" sounds good, but in most cases it reduces the liquidity of a business.  Business liquidity encompasses the number of prospective buyers, the business valuation, and the amount of time required to market the then close the deal. 

• The most liquid scenario is a co-located web hosting client base, with no data center, offices, or employees, and only one owner/decision maker.  This type of business can be under contract to be sold within 48 hours.  (Post 'Letter of Intent' due diligence, contract preparation, integration plans etc. all take a bit of time.)

• The least liquid scenario is a web hosting company, which offers design services,   has offices, a data center, and offers related services such as access, marketing services etc.

Valuation Difference:
Something I have seen many times is the owner/decision maker on the sell side has heard web hosting company valuation formulas and wants to apply that formula to his company.  Inevitably the owner is disappointed when the offer comes up short in their mind, and passes on what actually is a fair valuation. 

Design Services:
The decision to staff up and start offering web design services to complement the pure play hosting recurring revenue is a huge decision with regards to the effect on business liquidity.  Of course design services can be a natural fit with hosting clients by helping to reduce client churn and up selling existing clients.  However, the value of the revenue and cash flow generated from one-time design jobs is no where near the value of the recurring hosting revenue and cash flow. 

 Negatives of design departments when it comes time to sell:
• From the buyer's perspective, acquiring the entire company and keeping the design efforts going is risky.  It's 50/50 whether the key design people will stick around after closing … regardless what they or the seller states.  In addition, if you have to replace key people, the new staff will not have the relationships with the client base.  
• From the buyer's perspective, acquiring the entire company then canceling the design efforts is usually a risky decision as well.  There are offices to deal with in addition to staff which needs to be let go … both time consuming and detrimental to the existing client base.
• My estimate is for every 20 buyers of a pure play hosting company, there are only 1-2 buyers for hosting design shop combo's. 

Internet Data Center:
Investing in an IDC may increase the value of the entire company by an enormous amount over time, but definitely reduces the liquidity in the short run.  Typically smaller web host co-locate in the beginning, then at a later date acquire their own data center.  In turn, the company will then offer space to other smaller host hence creating yet another service offering.

Owning an underutilized data center reduces the number of one type of buyer … the "cash flow buyer", yet invites a new category of buyer, the "asset and cash flow buyer".  The later buyer is looking to both grow through acquisitions and make the swap from co-location to owning the data center.  The less remaining capacity of the data center, the more of a cash flow type deal it will be, hence usually more liquid.


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Friday, November 25, 2011

Earn Money Online With Your Home Business

Earn Money Online With Your Home Business

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It is easier and more cost effective to run your business online.

Earn money, home business, promote, website, make money, profit, advertise, marketing, online business, marketing options, online, work from home,

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When you decide to start your own home business, you have three options.  You can run your business without using the Web, run your business using only the Web, or do a little of both.  The best thing you can do for your home business is to promote or run it via the web.  There are several reasons why allowing your home business to be present on the web is beneficial.  Take a look at these reasons and then make the choice on whether or not you want to take your home business to a whole new level.

The biggest reason you should consider earning money online with your home business is because it is easy to do.  When you need a customer base, you can easily find one online.  There are millions of potential consumers online, just waiting for you to get their attention.  When you put your home business online, you can instantly start accessing those consumers and make more money.

Another reason you should think about putting your home business online is because it is much cheaper to run your business online than it is to rent office space and pay for all of the utilities.  When you think about it, the only thing you have to pay for when you operate your business online is your website hosting fees and minor Internet fees.  So, obviously you can see that it is not only can you find more customers online, but you can save money by running your business online as well.

So, if you are thinking about putting your home business online, you should!  You can easily earn money and market your product or service to millions of people around the world.  In addition, you really need very little startup capital to make your dream of owning your own home business a reality.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bespoke Wallpaper

Bespoke Wallpaper

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Wallpaper has been manufactured all over the world for 100's of years. With a slump in the 1990's wallpaper is now back in fashion and trendy again.  There are now two clear wallpaper sectors, commercial and residential.  Commercial wallpaper is used mainly in offices where as residential wallpaper is used in the home

bespoke wallpaper, wallpaper, wallcoverings, wall murals

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Wallpaper has been around for hundreds of years, and yet people claim that there has been very little advancement in wallpaper. At the surface it might seem like a remark that seems true, but the truth is far from it, wallpaper has evolved from the really old looking red and white stripe paper, to a work of art that can adorn your home, or your work place. There are more or less no limits to the colours, variations and styles you can choose from, the best part is, contrary to popular belief wallpaper has evolved and changed as time has gone by, and they are no longer just another thing you put on your walls.

Just like art and fashion has evolved, so have the various styles of wallpaper, earlier wallpaper was made to resemble the various tapestry styles, as fashion style and taste of people evolved, the wall papers became more and more diverse. Just like clothing, technology and so many other things today, wallpaper has now come to reflect the taste and moods of a home owner. With the numerous advances in technology, the method of printing wallpaper too has advanced, earlier massive offset printers, or block printers were used to manufacture wallpaper, where as today more and more people are turning to digitally printed wallpaper for their homes.

Today wallpaper is classified based on the commercial application, and is divided into two categories commercial and home use wallpaper

Commercial Wallpaper

Commercial wallpaper is usually printed on thicker, and more resistant paper. Since commercial wallpaper (as the name suggests) is used in retail outlets, hotels, discos etc. The wallpaper has certain health and safety specifications that it must meet like being fire resistant etc. Apart from the health and safety requirements, there are additional requirements like being easy to clean, dust and dirt resistant etc. What has made commercial wallpaper making an entirely different section, is that more often than not commercial wallpaper involves customization like having a company logo printed or having custom designs, this is where having a digitally printed wallpaper comes in handy, as the imagery that is produced using digitally printed wallpaper is far superior when compared to wallpaper printed using traditional methods.

Wallpaper for home use

The earliest and oldest application of wallpaper is for home use, wallpaper for home use is by no way inferior to commercial wallpaper, as it too has to meet strict quality control guidelines, however the added advantage that wallpaper for home use has is that, it is easier to apply when compared to commercial wallpaper, and in addition you can have multiple wallpaper in the same home (compare this to commercial establishments where the wallpaper is uniform throughout). Just like commercial wallpaper, digitally printed wallpaper is available for home users also, the biggest benefactors of digitally printed wall paper have been home owners, who can now either get custom wallpaper with a particular design built, or can choose to adorn their home walls with some of the greatest works of art ever made. The choices that wallpaper today has bought to home owners is just mind boggling, and all it takes to get customized wallpaper made is a photograph or image of your design.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Internet Lead Generation For Insurance Agents

Internet Lead Generation For Insurance Agents

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Tips for insurance agents on how to buy insurance leads, and how to build a lead generation web site in local markets.

internet lead generation, internet insurance leads

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Insurance agents have two sources of leads when it comes to Internet lead generation.  An agent can buy leads from an Internet lead generation company, or they can build a lead generation web site and create their own leads.

Buying Leads

It's important to buy leads from a company that has experience generating Internet insurance leads. New Internet lead generation companies have a tendency to rely upon questionable marketing tactics, and this can affect the quality of your leads.

Internet insurance leads can range from $5-$30 each, depending on what kind of lead it is (life insurance, annuity, auto, etc.), and whether it's an exclusive lead or not.  An agent should verify if the leads are exclusive because some lead generation companies sell the same leads to multiple agents.

Also, legitimate Internet lead generation companies will credit you back for bad leads. You should be able to call into the lead generation company and speak with a service representative on the phone in case you need to discuss a bad lead so that you can get credited for it.

Building a Lead Generation Web Site

There is a good opportunity for agents to build a quality lead generation web site of their own. An agent can create a web site in their local market and build pages based upon what people are typing into the search engines.  For example, if an agent lives in California, he/she can research keywords like 'insurance', and 'California', as well as specific towns or counties in his/her area ('keywords' is a term used to describe what people are typing into the search engines).  So if an agent discovers that people are searching for 'California insurance broker', and 'San Francisco insurance agents', he/she can create one page for each of these keyword phrases.

As an agent digs deeper into their keyword research, they may uncover quite a few keywords and keyword phrases. But one page is not going to do it. You need a combination of dozens of pages because each page will get a few searches per month, and this can add up. Plus the more pages you build, the better chance you have of getting ranked in the search engines.  Web sites with multiple pages of content are called 'content' based web sites.

The key to success in building a successful content based web site is to focus on quality content first.  The reason that content is important is because you don't want your web site to look like you're trying to sell something.  You want to build pages that relay good quality information in order to build trust with your prospect.

The second mechanism that is needed is an 'opt-in' lead generation system.  For example, offer a free quality newsletter, and/or a free course that your prospect can subscribe to via an autoresponder (an autoresponder is a simple web based marketing tool that automatically sends information to people who 'opt-in' for your information).  This way, you capture names and e-mail addresses (as well as mailing addresses) for your Internet direct marketing and direct mail efforts.  But if you do not have quality content and you ask for someone's e-mail address or mailing address to sign up for your newsletter or auto responder, you may not get good results.

Fortunately, the time you spend building this web site can pay off because big commissions can arise from just one lead, paying for the time and money you have invested.

An alternative to the content based web site is a 'landing page' web site. A landing page is basically a one-page web site and its main goal is to get the prospect to subscribe to a free report, mini-course, or newsletter.  Instead of relying on your content to build credibility and trust, you will have to rely upon your copywriting ability to get your prospect to give up their contact information on your landing page.

A landing page web site usually does not get good placement in the search engines, so in order to generate Internet insurance leads, an agent will have to rely on 'pay per click' advertising (where you pay for traffic to your web site), and other advertising mediums.

An insurance agent can build a significant clientele buying leads from reputable insurance lead generation companies and building a quality web site.  All it takes is a little bit of due diligence and patience.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Getting Results From Your Search Engine Traffic

Getting Results From Your Search Engine Traffic

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Never minding that some small businesses would be deliriously happy with 3000 addiitonal visitors a month - what do you do when the plan you had to increase your search engine traffic doesn't give you the results you want?

Google, Yahoo, MSN, search, search engine, keywords, linking, algorithm

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"I did what you said and I'm getting 100 visitors a day from Google. But they still aren't buying my product."

Never minding that some small businesses would be deliriously happy with 3000 addiitonal visitors a month - what do you do when the plan you had to increase your search engine traffic doesn't give you the results you want?

You re-evaluate your plan.

Did you target the right keyword? Are your pages ready to convert? How's your lead capture system? Do you even have one?

You'll need to ask yourself all these questions, and more, but before you even get to that, here's the  thing that doesn't seem obvious, the thing you have to resolve before you can move forward.

There's some outside chance - way, way outside - that an increase in search engine traffic just isn't the right way to solve your traffic problem.

What's more likely is that you have made one of the following mistakes or oversights. Make sure that the reason your search engine traffic isn't converting is for one of the following reasons before you abandon all efforts.

1. You're trying to generate more traffic than a particular keyword can provide.

There might not be ten thousand people online looking for how to make ropes out of cheese every day. If your area is obscure, find out how much of a traffic yield you can expect from search engines, get as much of it as you can, then move on.

2. It would work if you would do all the steps.

In every plan, you'll have to work on optimizing both your content and how it is found. There's just no two ways about it. Depending on your site and how it delivers its information, how frequently it does so, and how many sites are linking to it, and a host of other factors, whether you'll have to lean more on updating content or links will vary.

There's no cookie cutter solution, so do all the suggested steps for traffic success.

3. You don't have a plan.

You know what they say about a failure to plan. If you don't, trust me, it ain't good. Have a goal. If you don't know what to set it on, base it on an increase in revenue. Think backwards from the increase in buyers you would need to make the kind of money you'd like.

4. You're using the wrong plan.

Not every traffic generation method you can leverage for search engine traffic is good for every site or business.

While it's true that the proper blog configuration can turn  your site into a search engine magnet, that isn't the only reason to blog, and it doesn't mean that just any platform is suited to your site.

By all means, don't stop blogging because no one is reading your blog - find out why and address that problem.  It could be that they can't find it.

5- You bought into a sales pitch as a search engine traffic plan.

I'm not going to tell you that article marketing won't help your search engine traffic if executed correctly. I will, however, tell you that most people don't set it up to get the most benefit out of the process, and that it's not a search engine strategy in and of itself.

6. You're paying no attention to analytics, so you have no idea what changed and when.

Getting 100 visitors a day to a site that was getting none is a triumph. Getting 100 more visitors a day from search engines to a site that used to get 1000 search engine visitors a day? Not so much.

You need, at bare minimum, a starting place to compare to, or else how do you know you've gotten anywhere?

7 - The traffic plan is fine. Your conversion plan isn't so hot though.

If Google sends you a million visitors and they land on a page full of huge banners, they'll just leave. Give every page a clear purpose, and make sure each one has the ability to get your visitors to buy, subscribe, join, or whatever you'd like them to do, right then or on another day.

Those are the seven most common ways that search engine traffic can leak back out of your site. Even if one of those doesn't solve your search engine traffic problem, if you take action on each applicable point, it will at least help you get more out of your existing traffic.


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Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Successful in Affiliate Marketing

Being Successful in Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate marketing is a popular way for companies to advertise online. When a company hires you are an affiliate marketer, you will be paid to create ads for goods and services provided by the company. Every time a customer makes a purchase from the ad, you will earn a commission. This can be very profitable because people can search the Internet at any time, which means you can earn money as you sleep, when working in another job, on weekends, and on holidays.


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The best way to be successful in affiliate marketing is to understand the goods and services you are selling and match these goods and services to the correct audiences online. When you conduct research online, you will notice that people who have the same tastes in clothing, food, hobbies, and other pursuits congregate in the same areas. These areas are popular websites, chat rooms and open forums, and blog sites. Before joining any affiliate marketing program, you should investigate popular markets online to see what people are interested in buying. Once you have a better understanding of these groups, then you can choose a company to work for. This will make selling products much easier.

Depending on the time you have to devote to affiliate marketing, you may be able to join more than one program as long as the programs do not promote competing products. When you work for more than one company, your chances to increase your profits are much higher. By catering to different audiences online, you will be able to maximize your profits in very little time. For many in the affiliate marketing business, understanding the products and markets is the key to their success.

In addition to placing ads in various places online, you can also create your own website and market that as well. Your website can entice customers to purchase products from the company you are working for by providing additional information, articles, and other items. You can also prepare a monthly newsletter so customers will return often to purchase additional products. This will mean additional commissions each time you are successful in attracting repeat business. Marketing your website and the products are all you need to be successful in this field.

While there are many other home business ideas you can take advantage of, affiliate marketing is one of the most fun. As you conduct research, you may get your own ideas for products to sell online. Once you know how to find markets, you can begin targeting more markets in order to increase your earnings. Those who become experts in affiliate marketing are able to bring as much as they want each month. Being able to control your income and work the hours you want to work are just some of the big rewards you will receive when you join an affiliate marketing program. Companies reward those who perform well by offering them higher commissions, the ability to train others and earn a commission off their sales, and much more.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Writing Articles - Your Secret to Free Traffic

Writing Articles - Your Secret to Free Traffic
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Discover the secret to receiving free traffic by writing articles and submitting them to article directories.

writing articles, free traffic, article marketing, article submissions, article directory

Article Body:
Do you own a website that is receiving so-so traffic or receiving no traffic at all? Would you like significantly more website visitors without spending any money? If your answer is YES to both questions, then you should try a method that has been kept secret by knowledgeable website owners and marketers as a top website traffic generator -- writing articles!
The idea behind writing articles to drive traffic is simple.  You write as many quality and original articles as you can, and then submit each article to as many article directories as possible. These article directories in turn will drive traffic to your site.
Note that when writing your articles, you must deliver content that is helpful, informative and non-promotional in nature. Moreover, your article content must focus specifically on the
service or industry your website is targetted for.
After you have written your articles, spell-check and proof read each and every one of them. Don't waste your readers' time with a hastily written or grammatically incorrect article. You will not get any website traffic with a poorly written article.
Now that you have your proof-read articles in hand, what next? Submit your articles to as many free-content, free-for-reprint article directories as will accept your articles. There are also some niche article directories that will cater to your industry and you should also submit your articles to these.
So where does the traffic come from? An article directory will typically allow you to place a link back to your website in a section about the author. Readers who like your article will be able to click on that link and visit your site.
Write one article and submit them to 1,000 article directories and you have obtained 1,000 inbound links free of charge. If several ezines pick up your article for redistribution, then your article can potentially reach hundreds of thousands of people via the ezines' mailing lists. If you wrote 100 of such articles and repeated the process for each one of these, can you imagine the volume of web traffic you will be receiving?
Writing articles clearly gives you a free, zero capital method to increasing your website traffic. Start writing articles today!

 Club Articles Ebooks Software Videos PLR Private Label Rights Master Resell Rights http://www.SuperMegaPack.Net

Monday, November 14, 2011

Develop Secure Communication Application Faster with .NET SFTP Components

Develop Secure Communication Application Faster with .NET SFTP Components
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Speed up the development of communication applications! SFTPBlackbox makes it easy to develop projects supporting SFTP and SSH protocols in .C#,  or .NET Framework with a set of ready-made .NET components.

sftp .net, .net sftp, network, development, ssh

Article Body:
Are you developing a new client-server project in .NET? Concerned about the many security issues connected with different implementations of secure communication protocols? Care about compatibility and reliability of your new project? Want to make a future-proof product with no technical support calls? Use ready-made .NET SFTP and SSH components to add support for the industry-standard communication protocols!

SFTPBlackbox  makes the development process straightforward, leading your .NET team straight to deployment. Enclosing SFTP and SSH protocols into a set of .NET components, SFTPBlackbox makes for a perfect developer's companion. No need to concentrate on every little implementation detail in SFTP and SSH protocols. No need to worry about security holes or porting C++ algorithms into C# or .  Integrate .NET with SFTP and SSH protocols seamlessly with SFTPBlackbox!

Have no past experience in communication or security? New to SSH and SFTP .NET development? Add SFTP and SSH protocols to.C#,  or .NET Framework projects in minutes! Using ready-made SFTP .NET components lifts all SSH, SFTP or security experience requirements from the developers.

SFTPBlackbox allows you to deploy the .NET project sooner, and get  a clean, reusable .NET code. Every SSH and SFTP function is implemented call after call and method after method, leaving no place to any security holes or reliability issues.

SFTPBlackbox has been developed by the professionals with strict industry standards in mind. SFTP and SSH components provided with SFTPBlackbox are strictly standard-compliant and full-featured as well. SFTPBlackbox produces a highly compatible, robust code and assures you're your product will work with no problems for years to come!

Different types of licenses allow large corporations to appreciate the power of SFTP .NET and SSH .NET components, while smaller companies and individual developers will find it very affordable.

SFTPBlackbox is one of the best SFTP and SSH components for the .NET environment. Download SFTPBlackbox from  and open a supplied sample project in C# or Visual Basic.NET  environment to see how clean and easy o understand the resulting .NET code is, and how quick it becomes to create an SFTP application in any .NET language from the ground up!

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Easy Home Based Business For A Rough And Tumble Life

An Easy Home Based Business For A Rough And Tumble Life

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An easy home based business can be just the career path for individuals seeking a rough and tumble, energetic life.  An easy home based business comes in many forms and offers several benefits, but across the board facilitates a lifestyle of freedom and adventure for those who seek a life away from the norm.  If the everyday grind has gotten you down, perhaps you need to add some excitement into your life.  Maybe you are afraid to add too much excitement because you are held ...



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An easy home based business can be just the career path for individuals seeking a rough and tumble, energetic life.  An easy home based business comes in many forms and offers several benefits, but across the board facilitates a lifestyle of freedom and adventure for those who seek a life away from the norm.  If the everyday grind has gotten you down, perhaps you need to add some excitement into your life.  Maybe you are afraid to add too much excitement because you are held back by your job, lack of spare time, or lack of spare change.  An easy home based business can provide all of these things, freeing you to seek out the lifestyle you have always wanted.

The form of easy home based business you choose can impact the kinds of adventures you have.  If you prefer more home based adventures, a business with more intensive customer service or oriented around your home computer could provide the free time you need for projects without the travel.  You can contentedly create your own fun after your complete your morning tasks for your business.  A vending business or one that requires interaction with customers or vendors can create opportunities for travel and adventure.  Where you place your vending machines could dictate where you vacation or play – combining work and play into the same road trip!  Some home based businesses require more hands on work than others.  You can choose a form of business that allows you to be right in the center of action, or that creates more residual income so you can run off to a tropical paradise on a whim.

The benefits of an easy home based business are too many to list.  For instance, you can set your own schedule when you are the boss.  When you are in charge, you can also decide your own productivity goals.  With an easy home based business, you can elect to work really hard for two weeks out of the month, and spend the other two on the road with family or friends.  This freedom to choose cannot be found with a conventional day job.  Easy home based businesses often bring in a lot of income without a lot of work, so you will be able to afford the vacations and lifestyle you always dreamed of.  When you work for yourself, you can pay yourself accordingly!

If you are interested in leading a more exciting life, really consider looking into an easy home based business.  These jobs are available in all of their many forms on the internet, and are only a click away.  As you research, you can think of how close to home you would like to stay, and choose accordingly.  As the internet has grown by leaps and bounds, so have the opportunities for an easy home based business.  Choose what works for you and then set your sights on some rough and tumble adventures!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Advanced Uses For Myspace

Advanced Uses For Myspace

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MySpace members can generate a website quickly through templates. These templates enable users to create a generic website in very little time. For those who are just interested in making new friends or keeping in touch with old friends, this may be all the member needs. However, those who want to offer more on their website or those who simply want to create a more detailed website may require some more advanced knowledge to achieve the desired effects.

Adding Background ...

myspace, myspace features, myspace layout

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MySpace members can generate a website quickly through templates. These templates enable users to create a generic website in very little time. For those who are just interested in making new friends or keeping in touch with old friends, this may be all the member needs. However, those who want to offer more on their website or those who simply want to create a more detailed website may require some more advanced knowledge to achieve the desired effects.

Adding Background Music in MySpace

The majority of websites on the Internet do not have background music. This may lead many novice MySpace members to believe adding music to the background is a difficult process but it really isn't. In fact MySpace makes it incredibly simple for members to add music to their profiles. The steps to add music to a MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace account
* While logged in visit this web address:
* Listen to the music available and select a suitable song for your profile
* Click on the link that says "Add" below the song title
* The music is then automatically added to your profile

It is important to note that users can only add one song at a time to their profile. Clicking the "Add" link on a second song will result in the original song being replaced on the profile by the new song. Songs can be removed from a profile at any time by going to the "Edit profile" section of your account and entering the "Profile songs" subcategory. Here you have the option to remove your chosen song.

Adding Videos to MySpace

Adding videos to MySpace is also not as difficult as it seems. Even those with no HTML skills can add videos produced by other members or even their own videos to their MySpace profile. The steps to add a video to your MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace Account
* From your MySpace homepage, click on the "Add/Change Videos" link
* You are then taken to another webpage where you can either search through a database of previously uploaded videos or upload your own video
* To search the database, click on the search videos button and browse through the available videos
* After watching a video you can add the video to your profile in a couple of ways. First you can click on the "Add to my profile" button or you can copy the source code provided and paste this code into the desired location on your profile.

Alternately you can add your own videos to your MySpace profile by first uploading them to MySpace and then adding them to your profile. When uploading a video care should be taken to ensure the video does not violate the terms of service.

Creating Interactive Features on MySpace

Creating interactive features on MySpace is a bit more involved. Members can create features which allow visitor interaction but these features require more extensive HTML knowledge. The best way to acquire the information necessary to design these types of features is to research the subject of HTML code in books or on the Internet. However, if you find a feature on another MySpace website you would like to include in your own profile you can contact the member and ask them how to add this feature.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Franchise Business Needs These Essential Ingredients

A Franchise Business Needs These Essential Ingredients

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A franchise unlike other businesses needs to have special ingredients. These include an easily duplicated business model, decent profit margins, strong brand name and future potential for growth. If these ingredients are in place then it becomes easier to recruit the ideal franchisees.

A business can only be franchised if it is possible to train franchisees how to manage their territory successfully. If specialist skills are required then it becomes harder to franchise. As...

franchise,franchise business,franchised,franchisee,franchisor,franchise model

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A franchise unlike other businesses needs to have special ingredients. These include an easily duplicated business model, decent profit margins, strong brand name and future potential for growth. If these ingredients are in place then it becomes easier to recruit the ideal franchisees.

A business can only be franchised if it is possible to train franchisees how to manage their territory successfully. If specialist skills are required then it becomes harder to franchise. As things currently stand, it is extremely difficult to recruit intelligent and hard working people without adding any extra burdens on the franchise selection team.

A Franchise Business generally requires larger profit margins than normal. This is because the profits have to be shared between franchisee and franchisor. The franchisors share is normally between ten and twelve percent of turnover which is a huge chunk when calculated as a percentage of profits.

A strong brand name is essential for success. The franchisee is not only buying into the business model but paying a franchise fee based on an easily identifiable and distinctive brand. The business name, logos, mission statements and other design characteristics that make up the franchise should be constantly marketed so that the franchisee can remain focused on managing the business.

The niche in which the business operates should have strong growth potential in the future if the franchise model is to succeed in the long term. It might take many years to roll out the franchise in designated territories and during this time it is essential that the market for the products and services is experiencing some growth.

Finding the ideal franchisee to manage the business is often the hardest part of franchising a business. There is huge competition in the market place and most franchisors are seeking the same type of person to buy their franchise opportunity.

In a nutshell the ideal characteristic of a franchisee is the ability to work without supervision. They must have strong interpersonal skills & be able to communicate with customers and staff clearly and efficiently. They must possess decent knowledge of computers to be able to learn how to use and operate the new business systems of the franchisor.

The best age range for an ideal franchisee is between thirty and fifty years old. Any younger and their life experience is severely lacking. If they are older then fifty they usually do not possess the same drive and determination that younger people do. This obviously does not apply in all cases but does generally hold true.

Not all the essential ingredients apply in every business that is considering the franchise model. This article is not about dictating what franchisors should think about. Instead, it is about giving them some ideas of the factors at play and how to think about approaching the franchise model.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ways To Market Your Article

Ways To Market Your Article

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Like most online marketing methods, there's always more than one right way to get the job done. Article marketing is quickly being adopted as the preferred choice for gathering up targeted website traffic.

Use the following ideas to reach a wider and more diverse visitor base with your articles.

1) Submit to the top 10 article directories

How do you know which directories should be in your top 10 list? You have to research and rank them. You may wish to post to gener...

article marketing, one way linking

Article Body:
Like most online marketing methods, there's always more than one right way to get the job done. Article marketing is quickly being adopted as the preferred choice for gathering up targeted website traffic.

Use the following ideas to reach a wider and more diverse visitor base with your articles.

1) Submit to the top 10 article directories

How do you know which directories should be in your top 10 list? You have to research and rank them. You may wish to post to general as well as niche article directories depending on your topic.

Use a common set of criteria to rank each directory. A few important criteria that I use are site age, pagerank, friendly approval process, and ease of use.

I submit to several article directories which get spidered by search engines every few hours. These are the types of directories that search engines love and rank higher as a result.

2) Compile your 10 articles and create an ebook

After you've completed and submitted your articles to directories, compile your articles into a single ebook.

Add a cover page, title page, and resource section. Then submit your book to ebook directories. This will get you more exposure than submitting to article directories alone.

Be sure to include a link to your website on your ebook's title page and resource page.

3) Offer exclusive content to webmasters – for free

You won't be able to use your submitted articles, but you can write 5 to 10 additional articles. Offer them to a single webmaster for exclusive use.

Make sure you get a link back to your site from the bottom of each article. Check out each site using Alexa to gauge how many visitors the site received.

4) Use your blog to submit the articles

Take each of your 10 articles you wrote initially, break them into smaller chunks. Post your article "chunks" on your blog.

The key to this technique is to put more personality into the articles. Spin the articles a little to make sure you catch your voice. This should be fairly easy if you keep each post to 200 words or less.

You should also change the title enough so it can get picked up by different syndication services and social networking sites.

5) Repeat steps 1-4 above

Article marketing should be repeated every month. It's the "feeding" of the search engines with fresh, new content that gets the search engines to love your site.

As you finish a batch of 10 articles, add it to your ebook. What would happen if you had an ebook that was 100+ pages long? Would you, as a site visitor, be willing to give out your name and email address if someone offered you a free resource that was over 100 pages? I would.

As you seek out more creative ways to market your site, don't neglect the methods you may already be applying. Make the most of each marketing technique to diversify your traffic and increase your sales.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Soul Mates - Do they really exist?


Soul Mates - Do they really exist?

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Throughout centuries, story tellers, and people from different background and cultures always refer to their fascination in meeting one day their soul mates. Is Soul Mate a myth? Do they really exist? Or is Soul Mate a figment of our own imagination that can help keep our hope for a perfect relationship and keep our hope alive.

Soul mate, relationships, love relationships, soul

Article Body:
Soul Mates - Do they really exist? – By Joseph Ghabi

Throughout centuries, story tellers, and people from different background and cultures always refer to their fascination in meeting one day their soul mates. Is Soul Mate a myth? Do they really exist? Or is Soul Mate a figment of our own imagination that can help keep our hope for a perfect relationship and keep our hope alive. Or is it an escape way for not handling or not looking at ourselves in such a way that we keep delaying our responsibilities and things can be fixed when we meet that perfect relationship with those Soul Mates. Everything is possible! It is up to you and me to decide the bottom line of this puzzle.

If we talk in such metaphysics tone of words used, we will say we are all coming from the same source, one soul, branched out into different ventures or experiences to achieve and in reality we are all Soul Mate. Maybe that's true but I believe there is more into it than that!!

How do we define Soul Mates?

Soul Mates is another Soul that share the same exact similar way of understanding as the other Soul and in this lifetime so they decided to share their growth and understanding together. It does NOT mean Soul Mates have to be in a relationship to make it work. What do I mean by that?

From the motion that a Soul integrate into life through a particular family, geography, religion, or situation for certain reasons. I do believe we choose our family, we choose our religion, and we choose where we want to be born for certain that the Soul itself will identify and in the same time you will be aware of it one day if you are well attuned within yourself. We will not dispute the reasons we go through that because we will have unlimited reasons here.

Let's start with our choice of a family to be born with. If each one of us look deeper into our families there must be at least one person and many time there is more in our immediate family or cousin that we feel different with. That person can be your father, your sister, your niece, or your cousin. It really does not matter who that person but that person is your Soul Mate where you always enjoy being in their company, listening to them and mainly valued everything they say. Those experiences with Soul Mate we already started at young age. Then we grow up, how many of us we have one or two particular friends around us at school or where our parents moved to the new neighborhood. I bet you everyone can relate to someone. And that goes on until we are adult and the dating game started.

We need to understand one thing when it comes to relationships, as long as we do not rush ourselves into a relationship for a wrong reason and what I mean by that? Well the look of the person, what they drive, who's his family, how rich they are, or how cute they are, what their education is, or just to be in a certain crowd. All of that will never bring you to Soul Mates. Why it never work because you are looking into the wrong substance.

With Soul Mate there is no Karma to deal with or work at. All you have an enjoyment of being in each others company. The only thing you know about your Soul Mate is whenever you are in need they are always there for whatever or deep your troubles are. Look around you through the years, can you identify already someone that fit that equation. I bet you do.